Category: Emotional Leadership

ceo therapist and executive coach

What are Emotions and Why I Should Care

Do you struggle to name your emotions? If you are like me this will be a lifelong pursuit worth uncovering. Read the summary below of this recent podcast on the Whole Hearted Leader. In this episode, Lantz and Phil explore the often-overlooked role of emotions in leadership, faith, and personal growth. They discuss the need…
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executive coach marriage therapist organizational health

Navigating Change and Embracing Loss

Leading change often means disappointing people at a pace they can handle.* Disappointment typically stems from recognizing what needs to be left behind. In today’s quick-fix leadership culture, we rarely allow people the time and space they need to identify, experience, and grieve these losses properly. A leader determined to move forward at any cost…
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exectuive coach dallas

Failure is Not Your Identity

Earlier this year I was asked on a podcast, “How do you deal with failure?” Here’s my answer: failure is not who you are. It’s not your identity. Instead, it’s a data point—feedback that offers you a chance to grow. This past week, I had to learn this lesson again, and I want to share…
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mckinney frisco dallas ceo coach executive coach marriage coach

Embracing Grief: Why Midlife Executives Must Acknowledge Loss in the Workplace

I was fired from my second official job role after five years and was told to go to a different church with a different theological belief framework. Even last year, I was let go because I was simply “not a good fit” —no other reason given. These experiences were not just professional setbacks; they were…
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ceo executive coach spiritual advisor frisco mckinney

Every Man Will Face A Similar Crisis

At 36, I hit a crisis. I got a job that seemed to solve my problems and meet my growing needs. I had been in an executive role with a church for about two years, and our fourth daughter had just been born. I had the woman of my dreams and a wonderful family, but…
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marriage-coaching mckinney-frisco-dallas

The Emotional Glass Ceiling on Your Life and Leadership

The intimate breakthrough you want with your wife is on the other side of the emotional glass ceiling. One of the emotional glass ceilings you may be facing is trying to care for and fix your spouse. You are not required to fix the problems of anyone. Including your spouse. The greatest gift you can…
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dallas executive coach mckinney sherman denison frisco marriage

How to be a Transformational Leader

We all desire transformation, but few rarely experience a deep level of leadership transformation. It’s the primary reason Jesus expressed that it is easy to clean the outside of the cup than to face deep internal changes (Matthew 23:24-26). No matter what you are leading the future belongs to those willing to choose to be…
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helpful coaching conversations

Avoid Unhelpful Conversations with this One Idea and Three Questions to Ask to Make Your Conversations Helpful

I have been considering this week how words and conversations can be unhelpful to others.  I am a steward of the language that I use and the conversations I join. How can I steward my conversations this year? Our tongue is like the rudder of a ship and holds tremendous power to move people closer…
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leadership coaching

Do this one thing to 10X your goals.

One question every man must ask and answer with ruthless honesty.  Who is in your corner and has access to your life? Every man stewarding his life well has men who know him and are known by him.  Can you name five men right now by name who are holding you to higher standards in…
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leadership health

The Weapons of False Security

The Weapons of False Security I saw a monk working alone in the vegetable garden. I squatted down beside him and said, “Brother, what is your dream?” He just looked straight at me. What a beautiful face he had. “I would like to become a monk,” he answered. “But brother, you are a monk, aren’t…
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emotional leadership health

Four Signs of an Emotionally Healthy Differentiated Leader and Why It Matters in Your Team and Your Marriage

Emotional UnHealth is Stunting the Growth of Your Team and Marriage  The way I steward my own personal emotional health can bring health and healing to emotionally unhealthy systems; ie your company or marriage. I am responsible 100% for my emotions. I am not responsible for others’ emotions. And learning the difference and coaching could be what accelerates your…
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