The unoffical bio…

At 36, I hit a crisis. I got a job that seemed to solve my problems and meet my growing needs. I had been in an executive role with a church for about two years, and our fourth daughter had just been born. I had the woman of my dreams and a wonderful family, but inside, I felt lonely and disconnected from my true self.

I hid my desires and focused on giving my best to everyone else, which led to severe health problems. I tried to excel at work, prioritizing the senior leader and organizational goals over my core values. I also put my family’s needs and my wife’s desires ahead of my own. I believed that sacrificing myself was what a good Christian man should do. However, I now see that this approach only led to a fragmented and unfulfilled life.

Despite my efforts, it was never enough. I couldn’t keep everyone happy. Life was overwhelming with our new baby, and the demands kept piling up. I kept asking myself, “How am I going to handle all this responsibility?”

At work, I avoided conflict, and at home, I kept the peace, but this left me feeling like an empty shell. No one knew the burden I was carrying. I became passive-aggressive, letting others have their way without expressing my own needs.

My wife and I committed to 40 days of prayer and fasting, and I reached out to other men for support. One man deeply betrayed my trust, and my attempts to have others fix my problems only increased my insecurity. The stress and pressure kept growing.

It became clear that the organization wasn’t changing. Despite my wife’s request, I resigned. My self-righteous attitude nearly ruined my life. During an 18-month period of reflection, my wife and I learned about the Enneagram, and I saw the pain and distrust I had caused her.

I realized that my “nice guy” behavior was unhealthy and was preventing me from living the life I wanted. I started opening up, joining a men’s group, and getting coaching. Gradually, I began to heal and become a wholehearted man. 

I noticed that many ambitious married “nice guys” I worked with in marriage therapy and coaching had the same struggles:

“I give to everyone else…”
“I have hidden aspirations that I want to pursue.”
“I don’t know how to pursue meaningful intimacy…”
“All I can think about is work.”
“Why can’t I get the love and respect I deserve?”
“Since having kids, our sex life is routine or non-existent.”
“I can succeed at work and make money, but feel empty at home.”

I’ve learned that the “nice guy” path is harmful, causing men to become apathetic or angry instead of living an integrated, purpose-filled, wholehearted life.

I am convinced that every man will face a similar crisis.

Unfortunately, many men will not embrace the opportunity for growth, instead resorting to futile attempts to fix it themselves. This often leads to stories of successful men who seem to have it all but are secretly struggling. Living a divided life is exhausting and leads to emptiness.

I have made it my mission to restore and strengthen the hearts of men, their marriages, and their work so they can hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Whether you are in a transition season or need to find alignment, I will be your trusted advisor when you are ready.

Be Strong,
Lantz Howard

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My business and leadership wiring…

Leadership Profile: Advocate: INFJ, Enneagram 9, Birkman Blue, and DiSC high S. My CliftonStrengths Top 5 are Belief, Futuristic, Maximizer, Individualization, and Discipline. My Grip Spiritual Giftings are Wisdom, Leadership, and Teaching.

I have spent over 20 years in leadership, teaching, and pastoral roles, coaching and counseling teens, families, and executive leaders and their teams. I have devoted my life to understanding the internal compass that drives individuals who live with meaning. I have researched what makes leaders resilient in the face of chaos, and what tools they use to navigate life’s storms and remain calm and connected to their purpose.

My clients include C-Suite executives, non-profit CEOs, real estate developers, ministry leaders, and high-performers who are after harmony in their professional lives, marriages, families, and personal health. They find the secrets to their success, even though on the outside they still experience forces trying to defeat them and the pull of mediocrity.

passionate marriage

Lantz Howard has spent over 20 years in coaching, leadership development, therapist and pastoral roles. Lantz’s approach to  developing executive leaders integrates the maximization of hope, gaining an outside perspective, devising practical strategies, and implementing measured discipline. This is all done with warm accountability aimed at achieving the leaders desired outcomes. At any given time he is coaching a handful of high capacity faith driven leaders. Lantz has coached thousands of hours and is a trusted advisor for business owners, CEO’s, and senior pastors across the country. Lantz host a weekly podcast titled “Whole Hearted Leader” and has authored a coaching workbook titled “Jump Start: 46 Quick Wins for the modern man to be fully alive from the bedroom to the boardroom” and is working to publish his first book on how to create a passionate marriage and killer business without losing your soul. When Lantz is not engaging in deep strategic conversations he is training for a Spartan race or planning an adventure with the family. 


Masters Marriage and Family Therapy
Professional Coach with International Coaching Federation
iEQ9 Integrative Enneagram Professional
Coaching the Whole Person
Advanced Training in Spiritual Contemplation Advanced Training on Enneagram 
Birkman Independent Consultant
Dynamic Marriage Leader
WinShape Marriage Adventure Leader
Prepare and Enrich Facilitator
ReEngage Marriage Leader
SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts) Certified
DNA Based Health Coach

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