How to be a Transformational Leader

We all desire transformation, but few rarely experience a deep level of leadership transformation. It’s the primary reason Jesus expressed that it is easy to clean the outside of the cup than to face deep internal changes (Matthew 23:24-26).
No matter what you are leading the future belongs to those willing to choose to be a transformational leaders.
Do you know the difference between meaningful change and temporary change?
The trap of leadership is believing that you are making meaningful change and progress forward when the truth is that more than likely you are stuck in the traditional patterns of technical leadership.

Technical leadership is known, safe, and secure. It is a trusted and traveled road. It is in contrast to the brave leadership path I shared last week. Technical leadership is doing the same thing, but with a different paint color.
Adaptive leadership is the unknown territory that is fueled with anxiety and yet embracing the unknown. The primary reason leaders, teams, organizations, and marriages rarely jump from technical leadership to adaptive leadership is fear.
Relational leadership is able to hold the technical and adaptive components of necessary change together and stay in relational congruence and connection with one another.
Transformational leadership, therefore, is able to navigate the dance of braving the wilderness, being honest with how you feel, charting an unknown course toward the future, and staying in meaningful relationships.

Adaptive change stimulates resistance because it challenges people’s habits, beliefs, and values. It asks them to take a loss, experience uncertainty, and even express disloyalty to people and cultures. Because adaptive change forces people to question and perhaps redefine aspects of their identity, it also challenges their sense of competence. Loss, disloyalty, and feeling incompetent. That’s a lot to ask. No wonder people resist.
Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linksky Leadership on the Line
What needs to happen in you to shift from a technical leader to a transformational leader?
What do you currently fear about being an adaptive leader?
Who do you need to be in a relationship with as you lead others into unknown territory?
There is much to be said about this dynamic and I hope the images and brief video below can be helpful. The images and video is a snapshot of the coaching material I provide all clients when we work together.