What is coaching?
Effective coaching is pragmatic and outcome-focused. It flows naturally according to your goals.
It’s conversational and rich with thought-provoking discussions.
Picture it as a meaningful board meeting, an insightful chat with a close friend, a day of profound reflection, a session to recalibrate, and a stimulating brainstorming experience.
It’s both enjoyable and profound, tiring yet invigorating.
Above all, it’s having a trusted advisor right there beside you.
Where do you need a guide right now — relationships, performance, well-being, or leadership?
Talk to LantzRelationships
– I need to build trust through vulnerability.
– I need to pursue my hidden aspirations.
– I need to strategize an exit plan.
– I need to create a passionate marriage.
– I need to seek peace and forgiveness.
– I need to simplify and slow down.
– I need to realign family priorities.
– I need to integrate faith and work.
– I need to incorporate other passions into life.
– I need transformational accountability.
Well Being
– I need to rekindle passion, focus, and energy.
– I need to sleep again and overcome anxiety.
– I need to break free from emotional wounds.
– I need to be whole in a fragmented world.
– I need to pursue mental and physical health.
– I need to minimize workplace drama.
– I need to overcome burnout.
– I need to handle board member issues.
– I need to communicate clearly and confidently.
– I need to define a clear organizational vision.
Submit Your Application to Get Started
I honor you for taking a risk to start the journey. I will get back to you in 24-48 hours during Monday-Thursday. Please ensure that you have read over this entire page.