Category: Uncategorized

executive coach texas dallas frisco austin

Strategic Planning: Rekindling Passion, Enhancing Presence, and Building Leadership with an Executive Thinking Partner

In the relentless pace of modern business, leaders often find themselves buried in daily tasks, losing sight of their larger vision. To rekindle passion, enhance executive presence, close gaps in leadership skills, delegate effectively, and seek brief but impactful mentoring, a strategic lab with a trusted executive thinking partner can be transformative. Drawing parallels to…
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team conflict and board alignment for ceo coaching non profit directors in frisco mckinney texas executive coaching

Board Alignment: Navigating Communication and Overcoming Conflict in Healthy Organizations

Board Alignment: Navigating Communication and Overcoming Conflict in Healthy Organizations Imagine a symphony orchestra where each musician is not only a master of their instrument but also in perfect harmony with their fellow performers. The conductor, with a mere wave of the baton, brings forth a powerful and cohesive sound that captivates the audience. This…
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executive coaching leadership development for dallas texas frisco mckinney allen sherman

Transformational Accountability: Strategic Partnership for Goal Alignment

Transformational Accountability: Strategic Partnership for Goal Alignment In our fast-paced world, many of us often find ourselves juggling numerous responsibilities and feeling overwhelmed. Transformational accountability is about taking deliberate steps to realign our lives with our core values, ensuring that we are not just surviving but thriving. This process involves simplifying our lives, realigning family…
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marriage coach dallas frisco ceo executive coach

Marriage Beyond a Quick Fix

I once believed that passionate sex was about technique. This is what the world wants you to buy. A pseudo path to passion. The media sells raw, sexy, and burning love that gets turned on in seconds. They do not show the husband coming home from working 60+ hours, lunch meetings, and an intense travel…
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dallas frisco mckinney executive coach

Stop Tolerating Bad Meetings

Stop participating in bad meetings that have no clear focus or goal. Your time is far too valuable. Here is one tip when you find yourself in one of those meetings. Pause.Breath. Ask. “What in particular are we working on right now?” If there is no clear goal of the meeting you need to excuse…
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ceo executive coach

A Manifesto for the One Essential Everday Carry – A Pocket Knife

One of the most powerful coaching questions I have asked was in the context of helping this man reclaim his soul and strength. In our conversation, I said, “When did you give the power to others to castrate you?” Men today are struggling to stand with strength and power. At every turn another man seems…
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ceo executive coach

Starving for Authentic Intimacy

In a world of plastic, and veneer we have come to believe a deep lie. The lie is keeping a dark cloud of shame and mediocrity over your marriage. The lie is that “having it all” will bring joy, meaning, and passionate sex in your marriage. The lie that providing her with more things will…
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ceo texas exectuive coach leadership development

Unlock the Secret to Change and Four Ways to Focus

Twenty years ago my first job out of college was coaching boy’s basketball. Playing basketball and learning to teach and develop others to play basketball are two distinct skill sets. I was eager to coach and was overwhelmed with how to get teen boys moving in the same direction. I spent time around the other…
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ceo executive coach

Invitation to Risk: Healing Your Story Through Journaling

I got a new journal last year in April that was green and I distinctly remember telling my family that the journal was a symbol of flourishing in the days to come. At the time, I did not know that one of the hardest seasons of my life was ahead of me. I had to…
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executive coach dallas texas frisco

Unveiling the Truth: Four Reasons You’re Hiding from Your Team

If you have spent more than one day in any leadership role you have learned to protect, guard, and armor up against perceived attacks. In fact, this does not apply to leadership roles it is a survival mechanism we all have learned from our formative years as children. All leadership pain comes from relational hurt,…
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marriage sex leadership lonely

Elevating Leadership and Strengthening Your Marriage: 7 Principles for Success

In the modern leadership landscape, navigating through chaos and complexity often leaves one feeling overwhelmed, isolated, and anxious. The pressures of leadership can easily tip the scales from healthy to unhealthy, especially when faced with the challenges of managing a marriage alongside professional responsibilities. In such moments of confusion, leaders must anchor themselves in principles…
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