Starving for Authentic Intimacy

Starving for Authentic Intimacy

ceo executive coach

In a world of plastic, and veneer we have come to believe a deep lie.

The lie is keeping a dark cloud of shame and mediocrity over your marriage.

The lie is that “having it all” will bring joy, meaning, and passionate sex in your marriage.

The lie that providing her with more things will satisfy the ache you both feel, but fail to confront.

The only path forward is one of integration, courage, and living life wholeheartedly.

It will take courage to get clear on what you most out of life.

It will take vulnerability to express your desires and needs from the bedroom to the boardroom.

It will take kind assertiveness to live up to your God-given potential and his assignment on your life.

It will take a new level of self-awareness to elevate your marriage to the next level.

How do I know?

I have been married for over 19 years and I was the nice guy that always thought the path to a great marriage was taking care of her needs at the expense of my own until I realized that I was living in suffering silence.

The weight of holding it all together broke me, led to burnout, and a very difficult 18-month journey all while raising four daughters.

I was the pastor and read all the leadership books, and I even have a Master’s in Marriage Therapy. How could this happen to me?

We are now six years removed from a turning point in our lives. God has placed a message of whole hearted leadership upon my life and to lead other men who are longing to take their marriage from good to great.

You can take the long journey to the promised land on your own. One that is filled with headaches, frustration, solo prayers to God to help you, and more sexless nights. Or you can choose to lock arms with a guide and other men who know they are designed for more.

A journey that will move you from a boring marriage to one with more connection, amazing date nights, and fulfilling sex.

I always start with securing the foundation of the marriage. It reveals the fault lines quicker than any assessment.