Category: Marriage

married christian business leader sex and money coaching

Stop Feeling Guilty About Sex and Money

I reveal two desires married Christian business owners are struggling with and three ways to overcome them this week. Why do married Christian business owners feel guilty for pursuing their desires (hidden aspirations and more sex)? Could it be you have spent years and decades building a business that accommodates others rather than your standard…
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marriage coach dallas frisco ceo executive coach

Marriage Beyond a Quick Fix

I once believed that passionate sex was about technique. This is what the world wants you to buy. A pseudo path to passion. The media sells raw, sexy, and burning love that gets turned on in seconds. They do not show the husband coming home from working 60+ hours, lunch meetings, and an intense travel…
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prosper dfw mckinney executive coach

Scheduling Intimacy During Busy Seasons

Attention busy married CEO. Don’t be ashamed to schedule sex with your spouse and the five benefits below. There are seasons in life when it is totally acceptable to initiate intimacy with your spouse by planning several days ahead. At the retreat, my wife and I just led this last weekend we had the couples…
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marriage wilderness coaching and counseling

Wilderness in Marriage and Ministry: Four Principles for Thriving Through Hard Seasons

During a six-hour road trip through the panhandle of Texas headed for our home in McKinney, a major turning point in my marriage occurred. I looked over at my wife, Jessica, and acknowledged the tears streaming down her face. Our four girls, all under the age of six, were in the back seats of our…
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marriage-coaching mckinney-frisco-dallas

The Emotional Glass Ceiling on Your Life and Leadership

The intimate breakthrough you want with your wife is on the other side of the emotional glass ceiling. One of the emotional glass ceilings you may be facing is trying to care for and fix your spouse. You are not required to fix the problems of anyone. Including your spouse. The greatest gift you can…
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marriage coaching dallas ft worth mckinney frisco

Three Ways to Fix Your Spouse

I am writing this from a limited view of what it means to be a husband who desires a thriving marriage. You don’t fix your wife. It really is that simple. She is not a problem to be solved, she is a beauty to be pursued. Here are three things that could be helpful to…
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marriage counseling and coaching christian executive coach

The Gateway to Meaningful Intimacy

There is a battle for your heart, your spouse’s heart, and the covenant of marriage. Your heart is under attack. Her heart is under attack. Your marriage is under attack.  Based on my subjective data asking men over the years about 60% of men do not pray regularly or frequently with their wives.  It is time to assassinate spiritual…
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marriage coach dallas forth worth mckinney frisco

The #1 Way to Make Your Marriage Stronger

This one question could change your marriage this year. Ask yourself this question: “Would I want to be married to me?” A mediocre marriage is a direct result of the lack of investment that you have put into your personal, spiritual, emotional, and relational growth as a person.  All growth can start from this one…
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marriage coaching dallas fort worth

Three Steps to Follow for a Passionate Marriage

Three silent killers in your marriage and a script to use for building a passionate marriage tonight. 1) Hard conversations.2) Your desires.3) Listening. What to do instead. Use the following as a simple script. Say it with clarity. Own what you feel. Be calm. Then begin listening. 1) I would like to have a conversation…
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leadership coaching

Do this one thing to 10X your goals.

One question every man must ask and answer with ruthless honesty.  Who is in your corner and has access to your life? Every man stewarding his life well has men who know him and are known by him.  Can you name five men right now by name who are holding you to higher standards in…
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