Scheduling Intimacy During Busy Seasons

Attention busy married CEO. Don’t be ashamed to schedule sex with your spouse and the five benefits below.
There are seasons in life when it is totally acceptable to initiate intimacy with your spouse by planning several days ahead.
At the retreat, my wife and I just led this last weekend we had the couples spend 20 minutes together clarifying exactly what they need in this season to win.
Essentially we created structured time to help them develop a cheat sheet for one another. This is what we call the integrity of intimacy.
Be clear, authentic, and honest about what you need, and allow your spouse to respond by hearing a specific request.
Often times a martial drift can happen because of busy schedules and one of the first I hear my clients say is that sex gets pushed to the back burner because of exhaustion.
If you can plan a business meeting, schedule kids’ sports, and run errands, you also have the capacity to schedule intimacy. You have made an excuse. It’s time to set a new standard.
Here are five benefits of scheduling sex:
1) Develop a deeper love language.
2) Creates greater anticipation.
3) Improves communication.
4) Lowers performance anxiety.
5) Asserting your desires is kind love.
Now that you have permission to schedule sex text your spouse and coordinate time to make it happen.