Tag: wisdom

ceo texas exectuive coach leadership development

Unlock the Secret to Change and Four Ways to Focus

Twenty years ago my first job out of college was coaching boy’s basketball. Playing basketball and learning to teach and develop others to play basketball are two distinct skill sets. I was eager to coach and was overwhelmed with how to get teen boys moving in the same direction. I spent time around the other…
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dallas executive coach

How to Finish Well: Four Ways to Know If You Have Lost Heart

Grief has become a great mentor since my father died nine months ago. The lessons, stories, and reflections have allowed me to reflect in greater detail about what I want my life to look like. I recently shared with my wife on the couch one night about how I envision life when I am a…
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morgan snyder

Podcast: Becoming a King with Morgan Snyder

I am deeply honored to bring to you a man who is living on a path of wholeheartedness and Kingdom living and believes “desire reveals design, and design reveals destiny.” What are you designing? Are you designing a life worth living? What do you desire? Are your desires pointed towards the right destiny? Morgan Snyder…
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meaningful connections

3 Zones of Life to Connect with Others

Odds are that your relationships are not much different than everyone else based on research. You want meaning, connection, and friendships that deeply know you. Generally speaking, after the age of 35 men do not add any meaningful relationships to their lives other than the core two or three friends that were already formed. How…
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One Question to Ask When Uncertain and How to Make Better Decisions

In the midst of challenging and confusing times anxiety has a way of taking over. Even in the best of circumstances navigating and making healthy decisions can become overwhelming.  There have been many scenarios and decisions that I have made and went looking for honest feedback and wisdom, but let’s be honest. Sometimes we are…
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