Tag: heart

ceo executive coach spiritual advisor frisco mckinney

Every Man Will Face A Similar Crisis

At 36, I hit a crisis. I got a job that seemed to solve my problems and meet my growing needs. I had been in an executive role with a church for about two years, and our fourth daughter had just been born. I had the woman of my dreams and a wonderful family, but…
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christian ceo executive coach

The Crushing Reality of Leadership: How to Move Forward When You Have Been Hurt

Our family enjoys immersing ourselves in nature through walks, hikes, and strolls in local parks. One of our favorite hikes, within a reasonable drive, is located north of Whitesboro on what the locals refer to as 377. While not particularly difficult, this hike is quite lengthy. It spans 14.2 miles around Lake Texoma, known as…
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executive coach texas

The Battle Going on with Ambitious Leaders

Life has a bent towards wearing us thin, sapping our vitality, and leaving us drained and weary. When exhaustion sets in, what steps do we take? The hunger for love and genuine living often differs from reality. The discipline to train our minds, bodies, and souls for growth seems overshadowed by the ceaseless chase for…
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dallas executive coach

How to Finish Well: Four Ways to Know If You Have Lost Heart

Grief has become a great mentor since my father died nine months ago. The lessons, stories, and reflections have allowed me to reflect in greater detail about what I want my life to look like. I recently shared with my wife on the couch one night about how I envision life when I am a…
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leadership coaching

Do this one thing to 10X your goals.

One question every man must ask and answer with ruthless honesty.  Who is in your corner and has access to your life? Every man stewarding his life well has men who know him and are known by him.  Can you name five men right now by name who are holding you to higher standards in…
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mens coach

How To Know You Are Headed for Burnout

Did you work 50+ hours this week? 60+? Do you have a mountain of tasks to do at home? Is your wife tired of you coming late? Are you working after the kids go to bed?  Looking for a quick fix or a technical solution to burnout will keep you on an endless treadmill. I’ll let you…
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morgan snyder

Podcast: Becoming a King with Morgan Snyder

I am deeply honored to bring to you a man who is living on a path of wholeheartedness and Kingdom living and believes “desire reveals design, and design reveals destiny.” What are you designing? Are you designing a life worth living? What do you desire? Are your desires pointed towards the right destiny? Morgan Snyder…
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The Centrality of Living with Courage Over Chaos

Have you sold out to the confusion, chaos, and complacency of life? The confusion, chaos, and complacency is killing our heart. We see it all around. The wisdom from Proverbs 4:23 is paramount to leading a life worth following. I prefer the translation below from the English Standard Version for the use of “vigilance”, but…
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