A Process for Making Wise Decisions

A Process for Making Wise Decisions

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I once had a mentor tell me that oftentimes there are not right or wrong decisions when deciding to move to a new town or to take a new job.

However, making decisions that align with your best time, talents, and gifts is important because we have limited time on earth to make an eternal difference.

If you are like most faith-driven leaders you may be facing a myriad of complex decisions this week.

How do you make decisions that set you on the best course and stay in alignment?

I have often set out on my own path thinking I knew the best way. Only to find out days, months, or even years later that my decision was not the same as the heart of the Lord.

Here are three things I would consider when making important decisions this week.

1) Stop making decisions in isolation. Seek counsel from friends and mentors who know your heart.

2) Zoom out from the short-term anxiety of this one decision and consider the long-term vision for yourself or the organization.

3) Several years ago I heard Andy Stanley preach and he offered this question that has stuck with me; “In light of past experiences current circumstances, and my future hopes and dreams what is the wise thing to do?”

Finally, I would ensure that my heart and head are in alignment with what scripture says about making decisions.

“The intentions of the heart belong to a man, but the answer of the tongue comes from the Lord. All a person’s ways seem right in his own opinion, but the Lord evaluates the motives. Commit your works to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:1-3

Many times it may not be a right or wrong decision, but make the decision with your wholeheart and commit the process and outcome to the Lord.