3 Reasons Why You Fear Intimacy with Your Wife and How to Step into Your Potential

3 Reasons Why You Fear Intimacy with Your Wife and How to Step into Your Potential

enneagram coach

You are reading this because there is something inside of you that wants to take your marriage to the next level.

You are in the right place.

There is no secret sauce or magic bullet that will help you get what you want and desire out of your closest and most meaningful relationship in life.

You decide to show up every day and put in the work to look at the man in the mirror and get curious about what is going on the inside of you.

Champions on the outside are built with hope on the inside. The hope inside of you is the direction and desire that you know you have greater potential to lead, serve, and take your emotional and sexual intimacy to the next level.

Everything on the outside is thriving and life looks great. Your job pays good and your kids are healthy.

Your pain point? On the inside, you feel insecure and uncertain about your next move with your wife.


  • You value comfort over courage. You fear being truly seen and known and so you do not share the real you.
  • You are paralyzed by anxiety. You have a monkey mind and your heart races.
  • You lack emotional language. You are unaware that anger is a response to your own loneliness.

Accept that our growth into masculine maturity is an ongoing process. This is a journey.

What to do instead?

  • Aware. Identify one or two feeling words that you are experiencing and name them out loud. “I feel lonely and what I want to do is get angry and isolated from others.”
  • Breathe. Slow everything down and simply notice your breathing. Then begin to practice deeper breathing that allows you to connect your heart and head.
  • Center. Once you are in a breathing position. Pay attention to your thoughts. As your thoughts come and go simply release them and give everything and everyone back to God.
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