The Centrality of Living with Courage Over Chaos

The Centrality of Living with Courage Over Chaos

Have you sold out to the confusion, chaos, and complacency of life?

The confusion, chaos, and complacency is killing our heart.

We see it all around.

The wisdom from Proverbs 4:23 is paramount to leading a life worth following. I prefer the translation below from the English Standard Version for the use of “vigilance”, but reading through these common translations could be helpful to you as well.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
New International Version

“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”
New Living Translation

“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.”
English Standard Version

Here are three practical steps today to guard your heart.

  1. Living with Gratitude: Oftentimes I notice my heart comes under attack when I am looking at what I don’t have instead of treasuring what I do have. When our hearts are under attack from living the comparison game we will begin to live in confusion and compromise over time. Begin a simple practice of asking yourself and others on a daily basis, “What am I thankful for today?” Turning our hearts into thanksgiving and gratitude will allow goodness to grow in our heart.
  2. Leading with Courage: There is a slow drift that happens when we choose to believe the destructive thoughts and thinking that enter our brain that permeates our heart. Identifying the negative cycles of thinking that may enter your mind and writing those thoughts down helps you begin to be aware of your thinking. Once you are tracking your negative thoughts by writing those down you will then replace those thoughts and lead yourself with courage. For example, if a thought of doubt crosses my mind that is not helpful I will write that thought down and replace that word with an affirmation to lead with courage. Turn doubt into dreams.
  3. Loving the Question: As a coach, I process questions in my head throughout the day, and being vigilant about the question is greater than rushing into an answer. For example, since my heart determines the course of my life I could ask a simple question about my heart and the decisions that I am making; “How does this decision help me stay aligned to my values?” Being honest and aware of our heart and staying in step with our values will help you stay out of the chaos and live with confidence.